Saturday, 11 October 2014

Change... Is it good or bad?

"Its funny how day by day, nothing changes. But when you look back, everything is different"- CS Lewis

It's a simple fact of life: Change will happen whether we want it to or not.

Over the course of this year so much has changed in terms of my friendships. I thought I was going to be good friends with this girl for a long time but this year something changed and now she no longer talks to me. At first, I refused to believe that this was the case. I was certain that by the beginning of term 2 things would go back to the way they were last year. They did go back to the way they were occasionally, but for no longer than a week. Then things got really bad recently, stuff happened (sorry about being vague but its really personal) that confirmed that we may never be friends again. Some days I accept this fact, other nights I cry myself to sleep wondering what I did wrong. Its now October and even those this happened in February I am still not completely over it and may still not be for some time.

 However, this quote sums up exactly what happened. Yes, I lost a good friend and I'm still struggling to accept this fact but during this time I have formed new friendships and strengthened old ones with other friends. I'm learning who are my real friends and who I can trust. I still haven't completely figured this out but I know that next year things might completely change again, but this time I'll be prepared.

i don't normally write such personal things on this blog but I felt like I had to write this down because I have had a hard time explaining this to people in real life.

On a happier note I would like to thank all my friends who have put up with all of my complaining and listened when I have been upset. I don't know how I would've coped without you. :)

Thursday, 9 October 2014


I would like to start this post off by apologizing for not posting in such a long time. The reason for this is that I went camping down the coast with my family. I wanted to take lots of pictures to share with you but unfortunately my phone ran out of space so i wasn't able to take as many as I had hoped.

We spent two nights camping in a tent at a caravan park  that was close by the beach at a town called Boyd town.
The beach was only a short walk and both nights we walked along the beach to a nearby hotel and drank hot chocolates.
We found this fire when walking back from the hotel on the first night at first we thought it was an orange light in the distance. 

On the last day we went to a shop in a nearby town called Milton because I won a $30 voucher for one of their stalls at their scarecrow festival earlier this year with which I bought these.

On a sadder note school holidays in the ACT finish at the end of this week:(  so I will be posting even less frequently.