Sunday, 10 May 2015


Dear future self,
Tomorrow I turn 16 and I have no idea what to expect. Part of me waits in anticipation of how the day is going to unfold but the other half of me is filled with fear, fear that the day won't live up to whatever unrealistic expectations that I have formed in my head through Disney movies. Part of me also doesn't feel ready to turn 16 and be weighted down by all the choices I have to make in the future about what I want to do with my life and if I could stay 15 for just a little longer until I feel ready to make these decisions I would happily do so, because in a literal sense tomorrow technically DOES decide my future, or help with it anyway because we are doing tests that will give us a list of what to do. The tests themselves are also a mystery, I mean why is everything tomorrow a mystery NOTHING apart from the fact I'm turning 16 is set into concrete. I'm having this fantasy that the test info has been so secretive because the tests are written, but something so different and cool that I can't even put it into words kinda like Divergent, I guess. But if I ever want to discover tomorrows mysteries, if I don't actually go to sleep and let tomorrow finally come. I can't wait to meet you 16 year old self.
Your 15 year old self 

The day started with 6 tests, that are going to determine what careers we should consider, I tried to imagine myself as a teen-dystopian book character taking tests on my 16th Birthday to determine my future but in reality they were just 6 regular tests, nothing amazing or sci-fi about them. Although some of the responses on the career survey were pretty funny I ticked yes for probably at least half of the 88 options so I wouldn't be surprised if the tests came back and said I should be a truck driver (not that I have anything against truck drivers, my dad has a truck licence in fact,  I just don't think its the career option for me).

I didn't know where we were going to dinner because whenever I asked my dad just told me he had booked at butcher's restaurant that had an all you can eat meat buffet, even when he was on the phone to my aunt who believed him. Turns out it was Tepanyaki. The entire restaurant was filled with people celebrating birthdays and the girl across from me who is exactly a year and a day younger got stuck wearing the ridiculous plastic hats and getting covered in eggs also, so at least that made it slightly less embarrassing...

But the biggest surprise of the day was when I got home to find 16 quotes my mum had typed up, laminated and then placed on my bed. At first they seemed a bit random and I couldn't tell how they connected because they ranged from One Direction to Ronald MacDonald. Turns out, each one corresponded to a present that was hidden in a location that connected to the quote if that makes sense:

When you wish upon a star …… Pinocchio
Keep calm and paint your nails

You light up my life
Stars can’t shine without darkness

Life  isn’ t about finding yourself.  Life is about creating  yourself.  George Bernard Shaw

Follow your dreams they know the way
I love reading books! They take you to places you can only dream about …. Imagine that –
                                          Ronald McDonald
Don’t let your dreams just be dreams

When life gives you scraps make a quilt

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail Ralph Waldo Emerson

  A book is a dream you hold in your hand

Happiness is ……believing in unicorns.

Diamonds are a girls best friend

It’s hip to be square – Huey Lewis

Where words fail music speaks – Hans Christian Andersen

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships -   Michael Jordan

True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable and always in style  - Nicole Ritchie

Happy girls shine brighter
S’Evader (Escape)

A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money – John Ruskin

The story of my life – One Direction

T’es La Plus Belle Saison De Ma Vie (You are the most beautiful season of my life)        

So I think I have to agree with my 15 yr old self, it wasn't the day I expected from the phone calls where my cousins sung Happy Birthday accompanied with a dog, to the homemade Birthday cake that actually wasn't mine but the other girls that I ate regardless and wearing a ridiculous Sumo hat and the messages from my friends on facebook and instagram but also in real life,   for better and worst but it will definitely be memorable and in 20 years that's all that really matters.