2014 has come and nearly gone
365 days into this year
And now there are only hours left until 2015,
How will you choose to spend it?
New years eve is always so bitter sweet it's like another year is over and acts as a reminder that your getting older and the school work is getting harder, yet it also serves as a chance for a new beginning and a better year.
New years resolutions don't really work for me as i'm not really sure what i would like to do 'better' and aren't one of those people who writes and comes up with a list every year but this year i have
1. To be happier
This has to be one of the most cliche New Years resolutions ever but now i think about it i have worded it wrong i don't just want to be happier i want to be more positive. I'm not really an optomistic person and everytime i think of positivity it reminds me of camp last year when the instructor kept repeating 'positive vibes' over 1000 times and when he stopped this other girl started doing it and well... It wasn't a very positive experience. That's my problem with being positive i love to complain 😳 maybe i should add not complaining to the growing non-existing list on New years resolutions.
2. To stop worrying
When i'm not complaining i seem to be worrying about something no matter how little and insignificant it is, i seem to have at least 5 worrys a day and now i am already worrying about problems that could happen next year: what if none of my friends are in my classes? What if the work becomes so hard i have to spend all my free time studying? Ok they are some of the more common ones that i feel comfortable putting on my blog others are either too weird or too personal.
So that is my now existing new years resolution list. I hope you enjoy the rest of the last day of the year and especially tonight. I'm probably going to spend it in the surf with my cousins here on the Gold Coast and maybe we might go and watch the fireworks.
This is my last post for 2014, i can't wait to blog again next year. It might be a while though because i'm spending the first day of next year at Wet n wild. Hope to write for you again soon!
Wet n wild!? You're soooo lucky!! Haha so I'm guessing your mantra for 2015 is don't worry, be happy? That sounds nice. I think that's like the ultimate new years resolution.
The Life of Little Me