Saturday, 20 September 2014

Blog under maintenance

Hi again,

Sorry it has been a while I have been so busy with assessments lately that i have been finding it hard to have time to post ( I will be posting my Liebster award sometime in the next couple of weeks). On top of these assessments I have also had a dance performance, a music performance and Tournament of the Minds so it has been a busy couple of weeks. Term 3 of school finishes at the end of next week so i plan to spend some of my holidays working on my blog and improving it.

Which brings me to my next point, my current design of my blog is basic and lacks originality so during this time I will be experimenting to create something more interesting and unique which reflects the overall style of my blog. I have come to this decision after looking through many blogs and seeing that most appear to have personalized buttons ( I still don't know how to make these so if you have any suggestions for what my blog should look like or how to actually make a blog feel free to comment) and widgets and themes that have a personal flare. As some of you might be aware I have also been having formatting issues that I have been trying to fix (I have taken note of your suggestions and have started using chrome).

If you have any suggestions and ideas about how to improve my blog feel free to leave a comment :)

Sorry for the boring post I promise more interesting posts are to come.



  1. This is a cute design! I love it! I hear dance fest was fun ;)

    The Life of Little Me

  2. This is such a great design, its beautiful! Except haha the shoutbox seems to be in the middle of no where:p
