Friday, 12 September 2014

Winter (Summer) rewind

Hey sorry that it's been a long time since I have posted anything I've had a stressful couple of weeks.

So I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the Summer rewind to mark the end of Summer in the Northern hemisphere, but due to living in Australia and Spring starting here instead I'm doing the Winter rewind.
Thanks J from The Journeys' of my beating Heart for nominating this!!!!

The rules include:
1. Thank the person(s) who tagged you.

2. Post about five to eight things that you did over the summer or upcoming in your summer schedule!* Pictures are optional.
4. Answer the ten summer/fall questions given to you.
6. Tag 5 or more bloggers and tell them by commenting on their blog.
5. Ask ten new summer/fall related questions.
7. Share the banner above when you publish the post and credit the photo and the tag origin ( 

Things I did this Winter:
1. I went on a plane by myself for the first time! I went to the Gold Coast to visit my cousins and we went to some of the theme parks, watched Harry Potter movies, made paper mache (for absolutely no reason), made miniature clay charms and even got to swim at the Beach (and it wasn't freezing)!

2. I participated in Tournament of Minds an Australian competition done in Teams and my team made it to the regional final for language literature which is in two weeks!

3. I completed the KUMON English programme. Not exactly the most exciting thing, but I started in December last year and managed to finish by the end of August which makes me feel like I achieved

4. I made lots of cakes. I even decorated some as dogs and sold them for RSPCA cake day

5.  I wore my two onesies a lot. One of them is Hello Kitty and the other one is a minion one.

The questions I was set:
1.What is your greatest achievement over the winter ?
Probably completing the KUMON English programme.
2) Sneakers or Flats?
3) Do you tan or burn?
Burn... unfortunately I have extremely pale skin so have never tanned :(
4) Cycling or strolling?
It depends... I like to walk around my local lake juggling sometimes when I just want to relax but I also sometimes enjoy cycling when I feel like spending some energy.

5) What is something you've learnt over the winter?
To Never ask your parents for help on studying/ an assignment on a topic they know a lot about, I learnt this mainly through my friend who learnt the hard way when asking her dad about how the immune system worked. He told her that it would take 5 years to explain (and he was not kidding).

6) Favourite song ?
"Shake it off" by Taylor Swift
8) What do you look forward to doing the next winter ?
Next Winter is so far away instead I am focusing on Spring which includes Floriade which is Australia's flower festival which has lots of stalls and activities.

9)How much have you read over the Summer?
Not that much except To Kill A Mockingbird for school.
10) What is the favourite picture you took this summer/ fall/ winter/ autumn ?

I took this picture here on a beach on the Gold Coast and had to write "Do you wanna build a snowman several times before actually getting a nice picture. I haven't taken that many interesting pictures lately and I suppose I love the good memories it brings me and the irony ( who doesn't make snowmen on the beach?)

Sorry for the bad image quality.

And my questions are:

1.What was your most memorable moment during Summer/ Winter?
2. What was your favourite movie you watched over the Summer/Winter?
3. Where would you have liked to spent your Summer/Winter?
4. Do you prefer beaches or snow?
5. How much did you read over Summer/Winter what were some of the books you read?
6. What are some of the main activities you did during the Summer/Winter?
7. If you could do this Summer/ Winter over what would you change?
8. If someone asked you about your Summer/Winter what are 5 words you would use to describe your time?
9. Would you rather have Summer during June-August ( Northern Hemisphere) or December- Feburary ( Southern hemisphere)?
10. What sports did you play over the Summer/ Winter?


  1. Sorry about the awful formatting of this I will try and fix it as soon as possible

  2. Haha this post made me smile:'))
    Aww great embarrassing moment!! I would have freaked out if I were you...

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the nomination!
    Cute design! :)

    MJ //
